Get Graphic: Marco Checchetto Talks ‘Life Zero’ and ‘Daredevil’
Art by Marco Checchetto
Interview by Troy-Jeffrey Allen

This week’s Get Graphic spotlights an artist that many comic fans are already pleasantly familiar with.
Over the last few years, Italy’s Marco Checchetto has made a notable splash on the American comics scene. Particularly at the halls of Marvel on projects like Old Man Hawkeye and Daredevil. In 2022, Checchetto will be serving double duty by bringing his slick artistic style to Ablaze with LIFE ZERO.
Written by Stefano Vietti, Life Zero is a European import with plenty of horror, suspense, and zombie gore. If you can imagine Checchetto’s shimmering, action-packed look…but with zombies, then you know this will be something worth picking up.
In the following interview, the artist explains more about his latest project and even gives us a glimpse into his work on Daredevil. Keep reading to discover why Marco has all the trappings of a superstar creator.

Firstly, who are you and where do you hail from?
Hi everyone! My name is Marco Checchetto. I was born near Venice, in Italy. I still live here.
I am a comic book artist who is deeply in love with this job.
I have been working exclusively for Marvel Comics for fifteen years now, but every now and again I manage to carve out time for other collaborations.

How did you get into comic books as a fan?
When I was a child my grandmother gave me a book that is still proudly displayed in my studio. It collects a number of comic stories, all very different from each other: American superheroes, French comics, Italian popular comics…funnies. One of these stories struck me more than the others. It was Spider-Man, an obsession that I’ve been carrying around to this day.

How did you get into comic books as a professional?
I took my first steps in advertising, but making the covers of PSM (Playstation Magazine, Italian edition) is what I consider my real professional debut. An experience I still remember fondly. It put together two of my greatest passions, comics, and video games.

What tools do you use to create?
I work almost exclusively in digital these days, but I still do some covers in the traditional way, pencil and ink.

What’s next for you?
I just finished my work on the board game Marvel Zombies: a Zombicide Game, by CMON / Marvel (I provided all the character designs). The Kickstarter campaign just ended with a truly exceptional result. I’m still working on Devil’s Reign, the Marvel Event expected in 2022. In June, Chip Zdarsky and I will relaunch the Daredevil series we have been working on for almost four years now.

If you want to discover more of Marco’s work, be sure to follow him through on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
LIFE ZERO (DEC211185) is available through comic shops now! It will be released monthly from Ablaze.
Keep an eye on’s Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram for more artist spotlights!
Troy-Jeffrey Allen is the producer and co-host of PREVIEWSworld Weekly. He is also the Consumer Marketing Manager for Geppi Family Enterprises. Troy’s comics work includes MF DOOM: All Caps, Public Enemy’s Apocalpyse ’91, the Glyph Award-nominated Fight of the Century, the Harvey Award-nominated District Comics, and the Ringo Award-nominated Magic Bullet.